Experts in Building Design and Planning
Our aim is to create thoughtful, elegant and efficient buildings which respond to the way we live. Starting from our client’s needs, we have a design “approach” rather than a style, with elegance and efficiency underpinning everything we do.

Stapleford Abbotts, Essex. RM4
This project is for the replacement of a small and dated mid-century chalet bungalow with a larger house more suited to modern living. Our client was clear that they wanted to achieve a high quality four-bedroom house with the emphasis on contemporary design and energy performance. Working closely with them to fully understand the way they want to use the house; we have developed a design which suits their lifestyle, provides the extra space they need and can be built to Passivhaus energy standards. As the house is located in a residential area where almost all of the surrounding houses are brick with traditional detailing and pitched red tile roofs, the modern approach was a challenge in planning terms. Working with our expert planning team we made an early approach to the local planning authority for pre-application advice. The feedback from this process has steered the design which is a pared-back contemporary take on the local style. By pushing the bedrooms partly into the roof space, we were able to reduce the visual mass of the house to a scale comparable to its neighbours whilst achieving a much larger floor area. The proposals received planning consent in September 2024.
What we do best
Design and Planning
From over 30 years of experience, we know that successful buildings develop from a clear understanding of our client’s needs, a well-defined brief, thoughtful and efficient design and innovative planning solutions based upon a thorough knowledge of the UK planning system. A collaborative approach is key to our process underpinned by working closely with our clients and our expert planning team from the start of a project.

Design is a collaborative and iterative process. Successful design develops from a full understanding of the clients’ needs, consideration of the form of the existing building and site and detailed knowledge of any relevant planning constraints.

Almost all development in the UK requires some sort of planning permission. Applications for planning permission generally involve the submission of a planning application or where appropriate, by designing in accordance with the criteria of Permitted Development Rights. We collaborate with our experienced planning team early in the design stage allowing us to explore innovative planning solutions based upon a thorough knowledge of the UK planning system.

We offer our architectural illustration service as an extension of our regular design service, to provide realistic visualisations for your project.
We believe it is important that buildings are elegant, efficient and practical to build within a realistic budget. Our designs evolve around our clients’ needs and aspirations and we take a collaborative approach working hard to define the brief and to develop and refine the design accordingly.
What About Construction?
Whilst our main emphasis is on the design and planning stages of projects, we recognise the importance of carrying the design through its detail stages leading to construction. With our technical expertise and working with Structural Engineers and other construction professionals we can provide detailed technical design and construction packages for projects.
Projects we work on
Project Types
Whilst we have experience working with many types of buildings and projects and are happy to receive enquiries, we particularly enjoy working on residential projects. Our experience and innovative approach bring high quality and elegant design to our residential projects.
Housing Developments
From feasibility proposals and call-for-sites applications through to full planning, we provide high-quality, well-planned housing developments creating distinctive places which respond to the local context. From experience, we know that well designed infrastructure and efficient space planning are key to maximising the potential of any site. For each site, we develop a variety of types of housing and believe that the process starts by exploring innovative solutions to local and national planning requirements leading to elegant, well planned, commercially efficient and desirable housing which responds well to its context. Working with our expert planning team we manage the whole process from concept design through to planning.
We welcome enquiries. If you have a development in mind and would like to start a discussion you can contact us:
Enquire about Housing Developments02.
The most appropriate housing for urban sites is often flats, particularly as land is usually limited and the close relationships to existing buildings can make housing difficult to achieve at an economically viable scale. From experience, we know that flats need to be available in a good mix of sizes to suit market demand. We understand that careful internal planning and an innovative approach to design, based around relevant legislation is the best way to achieve elegant, commercially efficient and desirable flats. Working with our expert planning team we manage the whole process from concept design through to planning.
We welcome enquiries. If you have a development in mind and would like to start a discussion you can contact us:
Enquire about Flats03.
One-off Private Houses
We create innovative, high quality one-off houses which respond to our clients’ lifestyles and aspirations. From experience, we understand that the starting point for any design is a clear understanding of how the clients live in their homes and how they will use the spaces we create. High quality houses develop from a collaborative design approach based around a thorough understanding of the brief, the relevant legislation and innovative planning solutions. We have an open approach to design so our houses develop around our clients’ aspirations rather than being constrained by strict stylistic ideals.
We welcome enquiries. If you are thinking of building a new house and would like to start a discussion you can contact us:
Enquire about One-off Private Houses04.
House Extensions
An extension is a good way to improve your home to suit the way you live. There are several potential ways to extend and the appropriate type of extension will depend on what you hope to achieve and the type of home you live in. We can advise you on what can be achieved for your property and the best ways to approach your project. We can advise you on what can be achieved for your property and the best ways to approach your project. As most houses in the UK benefit from Permitted Development Rights, it may be even possible to achieve your requirements without needing to apply for planning permission.
We welcome enquiries. If are thinking of extending your home and would like to start a discussion you can contact us:
Enquire about House Extensions05.
Loft Conversions
In most homes, an unused loft space is ideal for conversion, offering a cost effective and relatively simple way to gain more living space. As long as the loft space is high enough (generally over 2.2m) a conversion is usually possible. The type of loft conversion you may be able to achieve depends on the type of house you live in and the type of roof it has. We can advise you on what can be achieved for your property and the best ways to approach your project. We can advise you on what can be achieved for your property and the best ways to approach your project. As most houses in the UK benefit from Permitted Development Rights, and this allows for substantial alterations and additions to the roof space it is usually possible to achieve your requirements without needing to apply for planning permission.
We welcome enquiries. If are thinking of converting your loft space and would like to start a discussion you can contact us:
Enquire about Loft ConversionsOurProjects
Our approach to design is collaborative, working with our clients to get the best from their buildings. Thoughtful, elegant and efficient design is key to creating buildings which respond to the way we live.

If you have a project you'd like us to review and discuss, please send us a message with more details about your project.